Hi Friend,?
You and I both know the important role postal workers play in our lives. From post offices offering a variety of services, to delivery trucks around the country ensuring we receive our packages, mail, and more. For so many, especially those in underserved communities, the USPS offers critical services, like delivering prescription medications.
But all of that could be undone by the Trump-appointed current Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
For too long postal workers have been asked to do more and more with less and less. Problems only made worse by Louis DeJoy. Even after the passage of the Postal Service Reform Act, which helped provide an influx of new support to USPS, DeJoy is still making things difficult for postal workers, as he tries to ram through a restructuring plan that would close post offices around the country and worsening service for BIPOC communities around the United States.?
But it doesn't have to be this way.?
Take action right now and tell President Biden to appoint two members to the USPS Board of Governors needed to fire DeJoy and expand postal services.
With a new Postmaster General, we can stop DeJoy's destructive cuts aimed at BIPOC communities and advocate for the expansion of postal services, helping people from coast-to-coast. We can make good on what the Postal Service Reform Act promised postal workers, but first the USPS needs new leadership.
Add your name to the petition and let President Biden know that DeJoy's time is up and it's time for Biden to make his appointments to the Board of Governors.
Thanks for everything you do.?
In Solidarity,?
Jobs With Justice