By Mark Gruenberg and John Wojcik

WASHINGTON – A massive coalition of progressive groups, led by, and including sponsors such as the Service Employees, United We Dream, Indivisible and its Chicago affiliate, the Women’s March, NOW, Democracy 21 and Credo, plan mass rallies in more than 440 cities nationwide on the eve of the upcoming U.S. House vote to impeach GOP President Donald Trump.
That vote is a virtual certainty now that the House Judiciary Committee has approved two articles of impeachment against the president, one on abuse of power and the other on obstruction of Congress.
“Today is a solemn and sad day,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D.-N.Y., said. “For the third time in little over a century and a half, the House Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
“The House will act expeditiously,” he added.
The committee’s historic approval of the articles followed a day of failed showmanship by GOP lawmakers who offered amendment after amendment that would water down the articles. They used their time speaking for their failed amendments to talk about everything but central facts of Trump’s wrong-doing, which they were unable to challenge....