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Hello John,

Reminder: TONIGHT is the night! Join us!

If you are local to the Panhandle area and would like the opportunity to meet a Democratic nominee for Congress, Peggy Schiller, please join us tonight for a Meet & Greet fundraiser event.

At this event hosted by Wade Gilliam and myself, you will learn more about Peggy's qualifications, platform, and vision for the district. 
Fundraiser Meet & Greet Event, 8/16 6PM, Black Bear Bread Bar Room

We will be at the Black Bear Bread Bar Room located at 26 Logan Lane, Unit H, in Santa Rosa Beach tonight starting at 6:00PM.

You will have the chance to ask Peggy questions, mingle with like-minded people, and enjoy light hors d'oeuvres. I know Peggy would love the chance to meet those of you who live in the area. 

The suggested donation to attend is $100. If you are unable to make this event, please consider making a much-appreciated donation to the campaign.
Donate Today >
Matt Gaetz needs to know that we intend to vote him out this November! The First Congressional District deserves a representative who will put the needs of the district first and Peggy is just the person for the job.

I hope you'll join us this evening!

P.S. If you aren't able to make it to the event but want to learn more about Peggy, please check out her website at

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