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Afghanistan a year later: Will ‘over the horizon’ normalize Endless War?

By Mary Dudziak on Aug 15, 2022 03:14 am

In the past, Washington needed everyone's support behind military conflicts. Today it wants people to forget. Drones help them do that.
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Why we can’t rely on NATO to make Europe whole again

By George Beebe on Aug 12, 2022 03:09 am

For a longterm peace, the region needs new security structures outside of the alliance that eventually include Russia.
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Biden’s new Africa strategy is shortsighted and stale

By Alex Thurston on Aug 12, 2022 03:00 am

The administration hasn't learned from past mistakes, is overly focused on great power competition, and can’t quit the counterterror lens.
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Hawks: Time to prepare the nation for war with China

By Daniel Larison on Aug 12, 2022 03:00 am

Voices like Elbridge Colby think Biden should back up his tough rhetoric about defending Taiwan with a greater show of force.
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Bans on Russian travel and culture play into Putin’s hands

By Anatol Lieven on Aug 12, 2022 03:00 am

The USSR prevented its citizens from traveling to the West during the Cold War, mimicking that now would be entirely counterproductive.
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Report: post-9/11 era one of the most militarily aggressive in US history

By Nick Turse on Aug 10, 2022 11:26 am

America has conducted nearly 400 interventions since its founding, with more than a quarter in the last 30 years.
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Meet the veterans who chose ‘paths of dissent’

By Dan McKnight on Aug 10, 2022 03:19 am

They sacrificed for their country in Iraq and Afghanistan but these individuals want you to reconsider whether they ever should have.
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Beware of viewing Balkans as new front in Russian-NATO proxy war

By Anatol Lieven on Aug 10, 2022 02:59 am

These historically complex conflicts can only be resolved by a long-term, patient strategy led by Europeans, not the US.
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