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We hope you can join us on August 24. NCLEJ will launch “Designed to Exclude: New York’s Failure to Provide Compensation and Language Access to Unemployed Workers”. This report details the New York State Department of Labor’s (NYSDOL) failure to make unemployment insurance accessible to workers who have limited English proficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We are launching the report with an advocacy and press event on August 24, 2022 at 10-11am ET on Zoom. Are you available to join a conversation about our research? 


The event will feature advocates speaking to why the NYSDOL needs to make unemployment benefits accessible to non-English speakers and what local organizations across NYC had to do to fill the language gap and ensure workers could access unemployment. 

Speakers include: 
  • Ciara Farrell, New York Legal Assistance Group 
  • Leah Lotto and Anjana Malhotra, National Center for Legal and Economic Justice 
  • Alexa Tapia, National Employment Law Project 
  • and more!

NCLEJ’s report pulls together interviews with workers and leaders of more than a dozen immigrant-serving organizations in New York State and a review of documents and data.

According to the report, for the first year of the pandemic, NYSDOL did not translate its website and the unemployment application into languages other than English. Few vital documents have been translated into New York’s six most frequently spoken languages in violation of federal and state law. The report tracks how this has caused prolonged delays, inability to access benefits, and wrongful denials to New Yorkers with limited English proficiency. 

Join Us

We hope you can join us to learn about our work to protect all NY workers’ rights to unemployment. 
Anjana Malhotra, NCLEJ Senior Attorney

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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