You may not realize this but in Kenya, where I am from, and most places in Africa, unborn babies are protected from the murderous abortion agenda. Thanks to our work at CitizenGO, it’s my honor to declare that Africa is still a pro-life continent.
It’s not just because of our platform at CitizenGO, it’s you. Every petition signature, donation, or share has meaning. It makes our campaigns more impactful.
However, the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to put an end to the evil reign caused by the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling has changed everything around the world.
The work of CitizenGO has not only taken off to help pro-life leaders in U.S. states create measures to prevent the murder of unborn babies; but, has become multi-faceted in order to stop harmful abortion policies around the world, including in my home country of Kenya and other African countries.
Last week, I traveled to Arusha,Tanzania to attend the East African Legislative Assembly fight against a bill that sought to legalize abortion, sexualization of children through a perverted sex education curriculum, push contraception, and allowed an unrestricted “wombs for hire” plan through surrogacy. If approved, that heinous bill would have caused this agenda to be permitted throughout all of East Africa.
Can you imagine, one day a pro-life continent, next an entire region must allow abortions on-demand and more?
Thousands of active citizens in my community allowed me to represent them to stop the bill before it was too late. Petition signatures were delivered to the Speaker’s Office for the East African Legislative Assembly.
Over the last few weeks, the discussions at the United Nations and assemblies throughout Africa have changed. The lobbies who represent the abortion industry are much more aggressive in their approaches. They are coming after me in my personal life, dragging me through court for speaking out against their agenda.
They have a ton of help, too. Media outlets are slandering CitizenGO’s and my name, promoting fake news stories saying that I am aligned with figures the likes of “Russian oligarchs or to US evangelicals” to fight against bills like the one in the East African Legislative Assembly.
That couldn’t be any more false. The truth is that my work is so successful because of my secret weapon:
That’s you!
CitizenGO is a global petition platform that defends life, family, and liberty around the world. We have close to 18 million members, people like you who sign our petitions and allow us to be active in close to 50 countries.
Each time you or one of our 18 million members sign a petition, we are determined to make sure your signature gets to the key decision maker.
So when powerful Silicon Valley corporations like Mozilla attack me and CitizenGO with potentially libelous and certainly false claims that we are “manipulating the conversation,” our real secret weapon is you. Your voice is reaching the petition targets and it’s making an impact in the public conversation on abortion.
The radical left just doesn’t want to admit we are winning.
Over the next few months our strategy is simple.
We are going to use CitizenGO’s petition platform to fight for life, family, and liberty. A recent report titled “Rich White Sweden Targets Poor Black Africa” by my friends at the Center for Family and Human Rights shares information that global family planners like those in the Swedish Government plan on spending $60 million dollars each year towards illegal abortions in Africa.
All the while ignoring that we don’t want abortion.
Whether these sort of attacks come from Sweden, the United States, the European Parliament, Canada or the United Kingdom, we will launch lightning fast campaigns to stop them!
That’s not all. In the coming days, we will send you a more complete strategy on our future campaigns and share with you how you can help. Please stay tuned to your email inbox because remember we can’t do it without you -- you’re our secret weapon.
P.P.S. Below, I have included some links to articles I mentioned above. It is important to me that you have all of the information on attacks from the Media and corporations like Mozilla.
P.P.P.S. Remember that in the coming days, we will send you a more complete strategy on our future campaigns and share with you how you can help. Please keep an eye on your inbox for these emails. You are essential to our success. Without your signature, donation, and shares we can’t win.
Investigation: European Group Likely Manipulated Twitter Conversations in Kenya About Reproductive Rights, Health
Kenya’s already fragile elections now face a dangerous new enemy: big tech platforms