Dear John, 

We are so happy to share with you our new website, now LIVE at On the home page, you’ll see a video featuring our freedom work. There you can also see and read more about what we do and who we are.

In the next several months, we’ll be unveiling even more changes to our website that tell stories of freedom, hope, and redemption. We remain steadfast in our commitment to change the narrative around currently and formerly incarcerated people.

We could not have done this without Creative Matters, who built this site for us. I am also immensely grateful to our incredible staff, especially Nicholas Reiner our Communications Director, for shepherding the construction of the new site over the past year, and the rest of our Communications team, which includes Zeara Alvarez, De'Andra Kohl, Varden Phan, and Josh Pynoos, for their work in bringing this to you all.

Thank you for visiting our new site and for your support of our work!


Sam Lewis
Executive Director
Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)

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Anti-Recidivism Coalition 
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