John, for state-wide races like mine, staying on top of our goals is make-or-break.
Meeting these crucial deadlines allows us to:
✅ Expand our proven-effective ads,
✅ Have enough yard signs for Election Day Polling Locations
✅ Run a robust Get Out The Vote program in the final days
If we can’t keep up our important work, our campaign will fall behind:
❌ We won’t have enough resources to share our people-powered message,
❌ Our GOP-backed “Democratic” opponent will surge ahead,
❌ And the MAGA monsters will take this seat out from under us!
Meeting our pre-primary goal will put us in the best position to win, John. So I’m personally asking if you’ll chip in $3, or whatever you can afford, to help us close this fundraising gap! Can I count on you?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thank you for your support. We can’t win without you.

Michele Rayner