There are less than three months until Election Day, and Seth is working hard to reach people across Rhode Island's 2nd District. From walking in parades to hosting events and knocking on doors, Seth is getting out to share his plans for how he'll fight for middle class Rhode Islanders in Congress. Take a look:
We also recently launched our first TV ad of the election cycle to help us reach even more voters! With election experts calling our race a "toss up," every Rhode Islander we reach gets us one step closer to electing Seth in November.
That's why every day from now until Election Day, Seth and our team will be focused on getting Seth's message out across the district. But we have a lot of work to do, and we need your help.
Will you chip in before our mid-month fundraising deadline to help us continue reaching Rhode Islanders, so we can keep this seat and our House majority blue?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Team Seth
Rhode Island Treasurer Seth Magaziner is running for Congress in Rhode Island's competitive open Second District – and election experts are calling this race a "toss up." Will you chip in $5 or more to help him keep this seat and our House majority blue?
Magaziner for Congress Victoria Almeida, Treasurer PO Box 40993 Providence, RI 02940 United States
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