
When students take out loans to pay for higher education, their hard work should pay off. But that hasn't been the case for too many students who attended predatory for-profit colleges.

Under Obama Administration rules, students who were defrauded by these colleges were eligible to have their debt forgiven by the Department of Education. But Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos went against the Education Department's ruling and ordered the students to pay back their debt.

That's wrong. So yesterday at an Education and Labor Committee hearing, I questioned Secretary Betsy DeVos, asking her what her plan is to fix this. But her lack of a clear answer didn't satisfy me at all.

If you agree that Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration need to start putting students before profits, sign the petition today.

Thousands of students were lured into these colleges with misleading -- and flat-out false -- claims. Claims so egregious and so consistently cited by students that the Department of Education recommended that every student who attended should have their loans forgiven. But instead of granting loan forgiveness on the basis of fraud, DeVos wants every student to prove they were harmed by these predatory institutions. That is a much more difficult standard to meet.

Sadly John, this kind of "profit-before-students" behavior is not out of the ordinary for DeVos, and it's not restricted to student loan relief. There is a pattern throughout this administration of kicking people when they're down, and this is no exception. Students were defrauded and still continue to have to pay back those government loans. The government has the power and the authority to help and isn't.

Without a Secretary of Education who is willing to stand up for students' rights, future generations will suffer -- unless we act now. I'm proudly standing up for students' rights in Congress as a member of the Education and Labor Committee and working tirelessly to make higher education more affordable, but I need your help.

Can I count on you? Add your name next to mine now and join me in demanding Betsy DeVos start putting students' needs before profits.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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