Dear John,
Millions of kids across the Midwest ride in diesel school buses, breathing in fumes that exacerbate asthma. Replacing noisy and dirty diesel buses with zero-emission, electric school buses is good for kids, public health and the environment. That’s why ELPC has spent the past 5 years working to accelerate the rollout of electric school buses across the Midwest.
Now the US EPA has dedicated $5 billion over 5 years to help school districts in every state replace dirty diesel school buses with through its Clean School Bus Program. School districts across the Midwest are eligible for funding for electric buses. ELPC has been working hard to ensure all school districts, especially those EPA has included on their priority list to meet essential equity outcomes, know about this program and can apply.
Electric school buses benefit everyone, but school districts can’t transition alone. They need partners who have access to capital, who understand the long-term benefits of new technology, and who are experienced leaders in the energy industry. That’s why we’re also working to build mutually beneficial partnerships between Midwestern school districts and utility companies.
It’s past time to get our kids and drivers onto zero-emission buses to and from school, sporting events and field trips. We will continue advocating for a clean ride for kids and look forward to seeing many more electric school buses hitting roads across the Midwest soon.

Susan Mudd
Senior Policy Advocate
Environmental Law & Policy Center
P.S. Right now, you can double your impact on our efforts to expand electric school buses. Thanks to our friends at the Make It Better Foundation all gifts made to ELPC will be matched dollar for dollar.