Hi John, Savor this email, because we’re going radio silent (except for some light social media content to keep you plugged in)! Abortion Access Front will be taking a much-needed break to rest, recuperate, and be ready to come back snarkier than ever (if such a thing is possible)! Don’t call us, we’ll call you. We won’t be sending these updates for the next three Mondays, but don’t worry, before we go on break we’re going out with a bang! AAF AT NETROOTS NATION 2022 Abortion Access Front and FBK Live! will be a leading voice on all things abortion at Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh from August 18 - 20! We will be broadcasting to in-person attendees Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with badass guests Aurea Bolaños Perea of COLOR, Mary Alice Carter of ConwayStrategic, and Tara Murtha of the Women’s Law Project to bring you the best and worst happenings in abortion. AAF is also diving head first into Netroots with Lizz moderating a featured panel on moving forward post-Roe, Kat moderating a panel on the digital security realness we all need, and Moji on a panel talking about everything people need to know to expose Fake Clinics! If you haven’t registered yet, you can sign up to attend in-person or virtually (with our 15% off promo code!) at this link. Don’t forget to follow along on our socials as Lizz bops around Netroots to show you the highlights from one of our favorite conferences of the year! |