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Hi John,

Savor this email, because we’re going radio silent (except for some light social media content to keep you plugged in)! Abortion Access Front will be taking a much-needed break to rest, recuperate, and be ready to come back snarkier than ever (if such a thing is possible)! Don’t call us, we’ll call you. We won’t be sending these updates for the next three Mondays, but don’t worry, before we go on break we’re going out with a bang! 


Abortion Access Front and FBK Live! will be a leading voice on all things abortion at Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh from August 18 - 20! We will be broadcasting to in-person attendees Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with badass guests Aurea Bolaños Perea of COLOR, Mary Alice Carter of ConwayStrategic, and Tara Murtha of the Women’s Law Project to bring you the best and worst happenings in abortion. AAF is also diving head first into Netroots with Lizz moderating a featured panel on moving forward post-Roe, Kat moderating a panel on the digital security realness we all need, and Moji on a panel talking about everything people need to know to expose Fake Clinics! 

If you haven’t registered yet, you can sign up to attend in-person or virtually (with our 15% off promo code!) at this link. Don’t forget to follow along on our socials as Lizz bops around Netroots to show you the highlights from one of our favorite conferences of the year!


Here are some fantastic actions to keep moving forward while we’re away:



Access to emergency contraception is more important than ever, but barriers are everywhere. The American Society for Emergency Contraception is updating their emergency contraception (EC) access & price survey to get a read on what EC access looks like right now. There are no restrictions on the sale of levonorgestrel EC in the U.S., but reports from the field tell us that the real-world EC purchase experience doesn't always match the regulations. ASEC is asking folks to go in-person to stores in your area (in the U.S.) and use this survey to report on the price and display of EC, as well as any barriers that EC consumers might encounter. This is a concrete way to take action right now so we can help ensure that people are getting EC when they need it. As if helping to document EC access in your community isn’t already enough reward, ASEC is offering four $50 gift cards to randomly chosen respondents who complete the survey as a thank you! Contact Kelly Cleland (kelly@americansocietyforec.org) with any questions about this project or if you'd like to partner on EC access work!


Join Kentucky Health Justice Network for a short presentation about the benefits of using sex toys, as well as examples of sex toys popular with trans folks/made for trans folks, followed by a group discussion. Join via Zoom on August 17th at 6:30 PM Eastern Time here!


U-M Center for Academic Innovation will be hosting a live panel in conjunction with the free online Roe v. Wade Teach-Out. In this live-streamed discussion, contributors will discuss the importance of reproductive freedoms, the disproportionate impacts of abortion restrictions and bans on communities, and approaches to advocacy. You will hear from speakers from the ACLU of Michigan and MOASH, the conveners of the Reproductive Justice round table, which comprises many diverse grassroots organizations working in this space. Sign up for the Thursday, August 18th panel at 3 PM Eastern Time here!


Check out all the opportunities coming up by hitting the activist calendar button below!

Also! We would like to give everyone who participated in our birthday campaign a hearty hug! Thanks to you generous folks we’re up an additional $1,000 a month in donations! That’s A LOT of clinic support!!! And we can’t wait to see you cuties in your sweet Abortion Access Front gear - so tag us in your pics when you get that swag. 

Did you miss out on our special birthday shenanigans? Well, we’d hate to disappoint anyone…. How about we extend this good time for one more day?!  If you make a monthly donation TODAY at $15 (or more!), we’ll send you a shirt! Click the button below and make your ongoing commitment to being AbortionAF.  

Yours in protecting access,

xo Your Abortion Access Front Co-conspirators


540 Court St PMB 3012 | Brooklyn, New York 11231 


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