Friday, December 13th, 2019
Ben Ritz, Director of the Center for Funding America's Future, for Forbes

Such a must-pass bill at the end of the year often becomes a “Christmas tree” decorated with various policy riders and pet projects for members of both parties in Congress. But under this year’s tree, a fiscally irresponsible Santa Claus Congress might leave wealthy Americans three gifts that together could cost up to $1 trillion over the next ten years – all put on the nation’s credit card for young Americans to pay off for generations to come.
David Osborne, Director of the Reinventing America's School's Project, with Associate Director Tressa Pankovits, for The Washington Post

D.C. Public Schools receivewell-deserved praise for its recent scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a.k.a. “The Nation’s Report Card.” Of the 27 urban districts that took the test in 2019, DCPS improved the fastest, continuing a trend that stretches back more than a decade.
Mark Ribbing, Contributor

For all of #CDBG’s contributions to prosperity and opportunity in Columbia, #SouthCarolina and elsewhere, the program could be doing far more across the country to empower communities, according to our latest PPI Metro Playbook.