Hi John,
I'm Nancy with the IRC. I'm currently in Afghanistan, helping our in-country staff highlight the humanitarian crisis enveloping the country and report on what they have experienced in the past year.
One year ago, Afghanistan's abrupt political change upended the country — the economy fell into chaos and humanitarian needs skyrocketed as many in the international community cut ties with Afghanistan. Thanks to supporters like you, the IRC has since grown our services massively to reach even more people in need.
I want to give you the opportunity to hear from me, first-hand, about what's happening here in Afghanistan.
Really quick — we are working to expand our work to reach more children experiencing conflict, hunger, or persecution in Afghanistan and crisis zones around the world. If you rush an emergency gift right now, your gift will be TRIPLE MATCHED. Here's your personal donation link » https://go.rescue.org/e/937243/donate-Afghanistan-One-Year/4mkhv/183210934?h=NQco9monNqK_ogtAMReIK0adxO4zY7OigLerI7pbj0w
Today, we have 7,000 staff across the country — over 99 percent are Afghans themselves. They are providing education, health assistance, women's empowerment programming, and much more. I wanted to share just a couple of their stories (and include some pictures I recently took — they're attached below):
When an earthquake struck Afghanistan earlier this year, we sent an all-women mobile health team. I visited a village in Khost, where I met with several women who hadn't received health services in around 50 years — until the IRC's mobile health team arrived.
In Nangarhar, I met with farmers who receive cash assistance as they clean and irrigate the canals on their land. Because of this support from the IRC, these Afghans are growing lush okra fields and rice paddies that provide income to the entire village.
These programs provide hope to thousands of people in need, but the truth is that we aren't reaching as many people — especially children — as we could. Afghanistan's needs are massive. Millions simply don't have access to the opportunities we're helping provide.
I'm asking personally: please help us reach more people, particularly children, in crisis zones around the world by rushing an emergency gift right now. For a limited time, your gift will be 3X matched. Here's your personal donation link » https://go.rescue.org/e/937243/donate-Afghanistan-One-Year/4mkhv/183210934?h=NQco9monNqK_ogtAMReIK0adxO4zY7OigLerI7pbj0w
Thank you for supporting our work in helping people during moments of crisis. Our team will be sure to keep you updated on the situation on the ground, insights into our work, and stories of the people I meet along the way.
— Nancy
Sent from my iPhone |
The women I met in Khost live in a village that hadn't received health services in around 50 years. The IRC sent an all-women mobile health team in response to the earthquake. |
In Nangarhar farmers have been given cash for work by the IRC to support them to clean and irrigate the canals on their land. |
The result is acres of lush okra fields and rice paddies that provide income to the entire village. The owner of the land said his yield has more than doubled. |