From Chuck Grassley <[email protected]>
Subject On this day [1] year ago today
Date August 15, 2022 4:17 PM
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We cannot forget about them, Conservative

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*ONE YEAR AGO* : Joe Biden sacrificed Americans for a political “ win ” in Afghanistan.


One year ago today, America suffered the worst defeat in our history since the fall of Saigon.

Thanks to the recklessness and incompetence of Joe Biden, 13 U.S. Soldiers were killed, thousands of Americans were left to fend for themselves, and Al Qaeda returned to Afghanistan.

All for what? President Joe Biden's desperate need for a political win.
One year later, we are left with unanswered questions, no resignations, and zero accountability.

*That’s why I want you to join me and demand accountability from the Biden Administration. Please sign your name now >>* ( [link removed] )


*Supporter ID: [email protected]
Signature:* *MISSING*


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One cannot overstate the extent to which Biden has bungled Afghanistan.
We need to apply enormous pressure on Chuck Schumer and Democrats.

We cannot let them sweep it under the rug any longer. We need accountability in our government, Conservative.

*Please add your name, Conservative. Do not let the lives lost by Biden’s botched withdrawal in Afghanistan be forgotten.* ( [link removed] )

Your ally always,

Chuck_Grassley_Profile_Picture ( [link removed] )

Chuck Grassley (R-IA)

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Arlington, VA 22209

Our organization only thrives when patriots like yourself stayed informed and involved. Without your support, we cannot uncover the dirty secrets and scandals Democrats are hiding. In this 2022 election cycle, we've managed to achieve record amount of success thanks to support from people like you. Here's our track record:

*We tracked and documented over 4,800 Democrat events*
*Helped over 240 conservatives in local, state, and national elections*
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