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Dear NCRC Family,

Last night, we sent you an important email about the Trump Administration’s plan to weaken the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). We're still working our way through the details, but it’s already clear the proposal invites a return to discrimination by banks against communities of color and families in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, a destructive, decades-old process known as redlining that the 1977 law was designed to end forever.

Discrimination in lending is still widespread and devastating for families and their communities. This proposal weakens bank rules that need to be strengthened.

Don’t just take our word for it - read this joint statement from the nation’s leading civil rights organizations that describes just how devastating these changes would be to the poor and communities of color. 

Once our analysis is complete next week, we are going to need your help. The only way we can stop this disastrous proposed change from happening is if all of us submit comments to the banking regulators to tell them that we won’t stand for our money being used to make the rich even richer, as the poor get left behind once again.

We’ll send you instructions next week on how to submit comments to the government.

For now, help us spread the word. We need your friends and neighbors to join our campaign to make CRA stronger, not weaker. Please forward this email to your lists and use your favorite social media apps to point people to our campaign hub, #TreasureCRA.
Thanks in advance,
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