"One Romanian friend of mine said that the things are worst over here than in Romania under communism."
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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America R.I.P.
“One Romanian friend of mine said that things are worst over here than in Romania under communism.”

The country we now inhabit is not America and bears no resemblance to the blueprint outlined in the Constitution. Quite simply, America is ...

Jihad Terror in Israel: At Least 8 Wounded in Jerusalem Attack, Including Americans, Pregnant Woman Shot In Stomach By Islamic Terrorist, ‘Palestinian’ Muslims Celebrate
More Palestinian terrorism in Israel. Emboldened by the jihad loving Biden regime. Eight people have been wounded, including a pregnant women who was shot in the stomach by the terrorist. Once again, call your member of Congress, and demand that ...

Government Led by Democrats Is Organized, State Sanctioned Crime
Here's a huge news story the media censored: ATF special agent resigns, cites lack of criminal accountability in laws

A long-standing ATF agent has resigned because he feels that he cannot support the way criminals are being handled by the ...

Dirtbags: CDC Deletes Statements On Covid Vaccine Safety, Bolsters Concerns About mRNA and Cancer, Drastically Changes Guidelines, Fauci Denies Ever Suggesting Lockdowns
The CDC is saying is finally saying what we've been saying all along. Now. will they let Novak Djokovic play at the US Open or keep their soviet style bullshit in place?

Never forget. pic.twitter.com/w5F25rLEj8

— Dr. Krusty, MD ...

Rushdie Stabbed, Authorities and Media Cover for Islam
There couldn’t be a better occasion for government and law enforcement authorities and the establishment media to end their denial and obfuscation about Islam and jihad than an attack on the world’s highest-profile “blasphemer,” but no such ...

Muslim sisters found dead in Sydney ‘claimed asylum for sexuality and religion – but were denied’
Rejected over lack of evidence. They have their evidence now. This is the consequence of denying the horrors of sharia and jihad.

Why has this story not been mentioned by a single mainstream media outlet in North America? Because it doesn't fit ...

Former CIA Chief Says President Trump Should Be Executed
We have crossed the modern Rubicon. America is not America anymore.

Everyone talks about 'getting America back'. Its way past that. America is gone. Stealth coup by a treasonous party who used our freedoms to destroy our country.

If senior ...

Iran tried to assassinate U.S. official, former Trump advisor
But the Biden Administration will continue to appease Iran. Begging Iran to re-enter the JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) while giving them billions of dollars in sanctions relief to finance more terrorism.

Not sure how the US can claim its ...

Germany To Lose $265 billion By 2030 Due To Green Energy Hoax
The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, freedom, and our entire way of life by the Far Left global elites. It's implementation will cause significant economic decline in countries throughout the world. Furthermore, if this movement is ...
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