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Dear friends and fellow fighters,
It's been an interesting weekend. On Friday I learned about a disappointing move our Attorney General made. At True Texas Project, I don't care who you are, how much you've donated, whether you've been a friend, or if you have supporters who will come against us... if you do the wrong thing, we WILL hold you accountable. Yes -- even in election season.
In fact, polls JUST came out showing that Ken Paxton is in a tighter race than the other statewide offices, so you'd think he'd be on his best behavior to make sure conservatives are motivated to help his re-election. You'd be wrong. Please read the article below about the latest GOP shenanigans and encourage Paxton to do the right thing. I'm not opposed to Paxton. I actually like him quite a bit. But I will forego friendship to hold him accountable as my employee.
After I posted this article on Facebook, of course weak-kneed GOP groupies protested. "Julie! You aren't allowed to say anything bad at election time!" Say what??? That's not how we operate. If you ever, EVER give an elected person a pass, they will learn how weak you are and take advantage of you every time. Are we not sick and tired of our Republican "leaders" who promise one thing and deliver the opposite? When will it stop? It is always election season or a negotiation is being worked during legislative session that we lay people just couldn't understand or we are waiting until midterms or... or... or... The people are the losers every single time.
Grow a spine. Demand your employees do better or get fired. Never cower to fear. Politicians will control you with it. We are in this together, and we can help each other see truth and be brave together.
Come on, Texans! Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! Draw your line in the sand and say, "ENOUGH!"
You all may remember that after the election last November, True Texas Project joined with other conservative groups to sue the Texas Secretary of State over ballot language. The same amendment voters faced last year was attempted 10 years ago and shot down because it disclosed that it was a property tax increase. So what did legislators do? They rewrote it WITHOUT telling you that it’s a tax increase and resubmitted it to Texans to vote on. It’s the very same measure, and they deliberately and knowingly decided not to give you the most important information for you to make a decision. Of course it passed, and so we sued them for lying to voters with their deceptive caption.
Initially Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office indicated they agreed with us, but after pressure from Abbott and the DEMOCRAT who drafted the deceptive language, Paxton has now turned against taxpayers in the suit. In fact, he is now rushing to oppose our lawsuit before he has to answer questions from the author of the amendment, a Democrat committee chair and criminal lawyer from the RGV.
But wait… it gets worse. Not only are they saying the ballot language was not deceptive, Paxton is asking Travis County Democrat judges to rule that no citizen has the right to question any ballot language written by the legislature ever again!!! He wants to give the legislature a blank check to deceive voters.
It’s time for Paxton to feel some heat. During the Primary, his office claimed they were on our side. Now that the Primary is over, he apparently prefers to bow to the Democrats in Austin and ignore the taxpayers. Hey, as long as he throws out red meat regarding Biden, he can skate by, right? Not on our watch. True Texas Project believes in holding ALL elected officials accountable, and this is certainly worthy of our attention.
What should you do? We’ll tell you. Please call Paxton’s office at (800) 252-8011 and tell him you expect him to defend taxpayers, not tax-raising Democrats who lie to voters. You can also write to Paxton at this link.