John —

I’m running for re-election this year pitted against a MAGA Republican who worked as an election lawyer for Trump. What’s worse is there are two Marijuana party candidates on the ballot with me to siphon off votes.

Each and every day I go to work for the people of Minnesota, overseeing nearly $60 billion dollars in taxpayer dollars. The work I do is to protect YOUR freedom to make decisions in your own community.

My opponent isn’t interested in helping Minnesotans or protecting their tax dollars. He’s only looking at my office as a platform for boosting his political agenda.

We can’t let him succeed. Can I count on you to help power my campaign with a donation today?

I don’t often make headlines, that’s not what my office is about. We work to fix issues before they become problems.

My opponent is not at all interested in this.

And he’s a relentless supporter of Donald Trump – Even going as far as chasing an election judge in 2020 and bragging about it.

We can’t allow someone like this to have a platform to continue to attack – or worse yet, help Trump get back into office. Please chip in today to help me fight back and win.

Thank you!

Minnesotans for Julie Blaha


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States