From Nancy DiNardo <[email protected]>
Subject Connecticut Democrats need you
Date August 14, 2022 7:16 PM
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The pressure is on: We only have 86 days until November 8th.

Last week, Democrats in Congress delivered a monumental win for Connecticut families by passing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 — which will make historic investments to fight climate change, reduce healthcare costs, and lower the burden of everyday necessities.

Despite the tremendous relief this bill will provide working families, every single Republican in both the House and the Senate opposed this legislation.

We cannot let the GOP take back Congress and undo all of our hard work. We must stand united in the fight to expand our majorities in Congress. Help us support Connecticut Democrats — rush a donation of $25 today to help us meet our mid-month goal of $3,500. [[link removed]]

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John, I’m very proud of what Connecticut’s Democratic majorities have done this year to improve the lives of Connecticut families. From passing the Inflation Reduction Act to enacting historic bipartisan legislation on gun safety, Democrats are committed to their fight for the everyday American — unlike the GOP, who only cares for the select few.

Electing Democrats is the only way we can ensure that struggling families will get the help they need and deserve. To help us protect and expand our majorities and fight against the GOP, donate today: [[link removed]]

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Thank you for your support,

Nancy DiNardo
Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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