Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend
The raid of President Donald J. Trump's
home was an unprecedented and outrageous action. The FBI already has a
credibility problem: fake dossiers, emails, Hillary destroying
evidence, ignoring an obvious Hunter Biden/Big Guy scandal. This
action is unacceptable & undermines the 4th and 5th amendments.
Using a government agency to conduct a raid on a former President and
political rival is something we would expect from Putin on his rivals…
not here, not in the United States of America. I have spoken to many
constituents who are deeply troubled and upset by this entire episode.
Every time I believe the Biden administration can't dig America a
deeper hole of problems, Joe grabs a shovel.
On Friday, I was in Washington to vote NO
on the Biden Democrats' Recession Extension Act which raises taxes on
the American people, adds 87,000 new IRS agents, and add over half a
trillion dollars in new government spending. I joined Newsmax
to discuss this disastrous bill. Click
here or below to watch.

This bill is an enormous power grab by
the Biden Democrats that also doubles the size of the IRS. Here's my
appearance on "The Evening Edit" on Fox Business with the
former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Director Douglas
Holtz-Eakin, hosted by Jackie DeAngelis. Click
here or below to watch my interview.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Biden and the Biden Democrats pushed
through their plan to handle the recession their extreme liberal
policies created. Unfortunately, the Recession Extension Act will only
worsen inflation and energy prices by raising taxes on hardworking

- This bill will shrink the economy, kill thousands of jobs, impose
crushing taxes on families and businesses, and worsen – not reduce –
- Includes Biden's tax hikes – which increase the tax burden by
"more than half a trillion dollars" – come at a time workers struggle
to make ends meet in Biden's failing economy.
Biden and Democrats fulfill their
dream of supersizing the IRS…
- While Americans get crushed with higher taxes, Biden wants to give
$80 billion to the IRS for additional audits and an army of 87,000 new
IRS agents.
- This would "roughly double" the size of the IRS, meaning the
agency would have more employees than "the Pentagon, State Department,
FBI, and Border Patrol combined."
- This $80 billion would lead to nearly one million additional
audits per year on Americans making less than $200,000.
- The bill would spend 14 times as much money on enforcement as it
does on taxpayer services.
- By supersizing the IRS, "taxpayers across the income
spectrum" would be subjected "to more scrutiny and greater audit
- This army of new IRS agents would disproportionately target poorer
- Last year, the IRS audited Americans earning $25,000 a year at
five times the rate of other groups and directed "more than half" of
its audits at those making less than $75,000.

Check out the projections on the chart
below. These are the estimated number of necessary audits by income
level in order to achieve the $240 billion (over ten years)
projection set. As you can see, 90% of the new audits will be on those
earning less than 400k. This is who the new army of IRS agents will

When confronted with the truth that these
new IRS agents will disproportionally target those making $400,000 or
less, Biden and the Biden Democrats do what they do best...they
lied. They didn't change the projection after their ridiculous
"promise" but they promised it anyway...disgraceful. I guess the only
way to sell garbage is to make it out to be something it's not... sad,
pathetic, unscrupulous!
With small businesses, families and
seniors suffering from self-imposed, self-inflicted, and anti-energy
policies of the Biden administration and Biden Democrats, their
reaction was to raise taxes. But, there is a better way. Please read
my opinion piece in The Hill by clicking
This November, the stakes couldn't be
higher. We must elect Republicans up and down the ballot. Democrats'
fundamental belief is that we can tax our way to prosperity and
succeed by dramatically expanding the government's cost, size, and
scope. Time and time again, history has proven that to be false.
On the other hand, Republicans represent
the party that believes that small businesses, families and
individuals should keep more of their hard-earned money by reducing
taxes, and a government governs best when its powers and size are
limited. If given the opportunity to lead this November, Republicans
must put forward an agenda that reflects this basic philosophy. If we
execute that plan and beat back the extreme liberal policies of the
Biden administration, we can begin to put this country back on the
right path. We have a lot of work to do, but I am confident we can and
will Make American Great Again… Again!
Thank you, and keep up the faith and the fight,
