December 13th 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters
We have finally moved the dial with Boris Johnson and the Conservatives winning a huge historic majority of 80. Finally, there is a majority in Parliament who are committed to voting through Brexit. As a cross-party campaign, Get Britain Out has been deeply frustrated that many MPs in Parliament have been deliberately frustrating the will of ordinary voters - blatantly, in some cases - betraying their Party's Manifesto promises made during the last General Election.
Let us hope this will not happen again, as this is our future, and our children’s futures we are all talking about!
NO, the Prime Minister’s current Deal is not perfect, but now - with such a substantial majority in Parliament - Boris Johnson can negotiate with the EU knowing he has the support of the country behind him and the ability to walk away on ‘No Deal World Trade Organisation Terms’ if the new configuration of the EU hierarchy decides to try and play hardball again. The process definitely isn’t over yet! However, Remainers in Parliament now understand their presumed power has been greatly reduced, and the United Kingdom can and will be far more ambitious in our priorities for the future negotiations due to conclude over the next year.
The Conservatives have set out their plans for their first 100 days in office, but now the clock is ticking, and we are ready to put the pressure on Boris!

The EU’s lead Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has – at the first opportunity – attempted to rain on Boris Johnson's parade. He has again come out and said: “It is unrealistic that a global negotiation can be done in 11 months, so we can’t do it all”. Even before polls closed yesterday, and the result of the General Election this morning, our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, shot Barnier down and pointed out he had managed to re-open the Withdrawal Agreement which we had long been told would be impossible, and also REMOVE the Irish Backstop, which we were also told would be impossible.
We will see, but with our country behind him, I am sure Boris can go a long way to secure a good trade deal, and an overall better Deal for Brexit than the one on the table at the moment – as good as Boris has said it is. We are on the case as usual, and we will continue to need you behind us with your support. I have written another letter to the Prime Minister, as a reminder of what still needs to be done in the negotiations following the mandate he has been given by the British people, and we are again asking for your support in counter-signing this letter – you can find this under the Action Point section below.
After being confirmed as Prime Minister by Her Majesty the Queen, this afternoon Boris Johnson made a speech in Downing Street. He spoke about delivering on his promises and not letting down first-time Conservative voters. He made clear “This Government with a majority will unite and level up the entire country” and “deliver a Parliament which works for everyone”. These are promises which tick all the right boxes, but now Mr Johnson must follow through.
Apparently, the Prime Minister will be considering changes to his Cabinet over this weekend, and these are due to be announced, we understand, on Monday. We will update you via our social media as soon as we have any information. You can find our Facebook here and our Twitter here.
This election has been filled with false truths and even more ‘Project Fear’ than last time. But once again the Great British Public have seen through attempts by Remainers to try and keep us in the EU or hold a so-called People’s Vote. However, with the latter campaign in tatters recently, the result of this election has shown the people and the nation emphatically support Brexit.
It’s unfortunate the Brexit Party failed to win any seats in this General Election, taking only 2% of the vote share. However, we are truly thankful their Leader, Nigel Farage – who has been ‘Mr Brexit’ - stood down Brexit Party candidates in a huge number of seats across the country in order not to split the Brexiteer vote, meaning neither Labour nor LibDem Remainers could slip through and gain seats. It is disappointing the Party did not gain any seats in Parliament after so much hard work on behalf of Brexit, and whether or not Farage rebrands as the Reform Party will remain to be seen.
Without Nigel Farage’s decision not to oppose sitting Conservative candidates, we might not be here right now with such a substantial Conservative majority. Having never won a seat in Parliament before with only 45 weeks since the start of the Brexit Party, and following on from UKIP – both having been incredibly successful in the European Elections for MEPs in the EU Parliament. His was a tough decision, for which he must be praised – and we hope he is duly rewarded with an honour in the near future.
In this General Election, the Labour Party has seen the consequences of their failure to take any realistic position on Brexit. Their ignorance towards the priorities of millions of voters in traditional Labour heartlands has been astounding – as well as their attempts at attention-grabbing, with completely unrealistic proposals. These are the worst election results for Labour since 1935, and Jeremy Corbyn has announced he will resign as Party Leader ‘following a period of transition’.
Some Labour MPs however, do not accept the possibility of Jeremy Corbyn staying in position as Leader beyond even this weekend. There are some who are pledging to unilaterally elect a temporary leader themselves - as MPs - without consulting members, if he tries to stay in post after such a devastating loss. We will see!
The scale of Labour’s failure is demonstrated by the result in the former mining seat of Bolsover. It has now been won by the Conservatives unseating veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner - despite the constituency never ever electing a Conservative in its history. Millions of voters have felt ‘left behind and ignored’ as Labour has increasingly become obsessed with its metropolitan elite membership, leaving true Labour voters no choice but to vote for parties who are actually listening to their problems. We will see what direction the Labour Party will take in the next few months following this humbling historic defeat.
The Liberal Democrats (I’m not quite sure how their now former Leader, Jo Swinson, could presume to call her Party either ‘liberal’ or ‘democrat’) has clearly flopped. The more voters saw of Swinson and her claims of being a future Prime Minister (and her earrings!), the more they turned against her and her Remainiac policies. It is shocking they tried to dupe voters in vast swathes of the country by arguing their vote in the EU Referendum should be cancelled! This did not seem to be the best tactic to win people over, and it clearly did not work. Swinson seemed to be on some kind of Head Girl ego trip, trying to take over the General Election!
To top this off, she actually LOST her seat of Dunbartonshire East to the SNP last night – much to the glee of the SNP Leader, Nicola Sturgeon. Swinson was hardly a future Prime Minister, and she is now an embarrassment to her entire Party (if she wasn’t already)!
- Arch Remainer, Chuka Umunna, formerly in Labour’s Shadow Cabinet and Shadow Business Secretary from 2011 to 2015, defected from Labour to the LibDems earlier this year. For some reason he ran away from scrutiny in his old seat of Streatham and stood at this General Election for Cities of London and Westminster, no doubt thinking this new seat would elevate his profile. It clearly did not work as he has lost the seat – and can now drift into political obscurity.
- The LibDems failed to unseat the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, despite a massive campaign and alleged breaches of Electoral Law – which we have reported fully to the Electoral Commission - full details can be found below.
- Every single Remainer who left or was kicked out of the Conservative Party has not won their seat in the new Parliament. This means we will no longer be subject to the ramblings of the likes of Dominic Grieve, David Gauke, Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston, Antoinette Sandbach, Sam Gymiah and Dr Philip Lee. GOOD RIDDANCE!
- Unionist Nigel Dodds the DUP Leader in Westminster lost his seat of Belfast North to the Republican Party, Sinn Fein. This will mean a very significant switch in the makeup of Northern Irish politics. A reminder to our supporters – Sinn Fein do not take up their seats in the Westminster Parliament because they believe Northern Ireland should not be part of the United Kingdom.
With the Remain stranglehold of Parliament (hopefully) finally broken, it is time to get on with taking advantage of the benefits of our Leaving the EU. We hope we will be able to see a return to normal politics, where ordinary people’s voices and votes are listened to, and MPs and a Parliament where we don’t have to see the Remain-biased former Speaker, John Bercow (and his smug smile) sitting in the Speaker’s Chair dominating Parliament in a way which has never been experienced in this role before. The Speaker’s role was previously seen as a serious, but unbiased moderator. However, Bercow took it upon himself to make his role far more activist and interventionist, overturning years of precedent. As far as Get Britain Out is concerned, the sooner Bercow fades away into obscurity, as if he never existed, the better!
Now with his former Deputy, Sir Lindsay Hoyle voted in as Speaker, these activities will finally be brought to a close. Sir Lindsay Hoyle was a long-time critic of Bercow and has now pledged to return the Speaker’s role to a position respected by all in the House of Commons, and not to behave in any way which would bring the role into disrepute. Remainers can certainly wave goodbye to the biased decisions they were getting in their favour.
Now Boris Johnson is back in Downing Street as our Prime Minister, with a majority of the public’s vote behind him, we have drafted a letter for YOU - our SUPPORTERS - to countersign if you agree with it. This letter outlines to the PM, the key responsibilities he now has for the future BREXIT negotiations with the EU. These include important changes to his Withdrawal Agreement and key areas such as Defence and Fishing - which must NOT be sacrificed in ANY Free Trade Deal with the EU. The PM has confirmed these will be completed by the end of 2020 – whether the EU likes it or not!
If the Trade Deal can be reached by the end of December 2020, the Transition Period MUST NOT be extended, and the UK should walk away on WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION – so the EU had better get a move on instead of thinking they can keep us shackled to them for much longer!
You can read and download my full letter to the Prime Minister HERE
Please also encourage as many of your friends, families and associates to also countersign the letter – as the more e-mails we can print out to accompany the letter the better.
(Please do not add more queries or information to this specific letter e-mail)
Many many thanks to everyone – as this is such a vital issue for our futures.
- Following more reports of breaches to Electoral Law in Plymouth, and some very suspicious and concerning activity by a hard-core pro-Remain group called ‘Advance Together’ – seemingly set up to surreptitiously increase spending limits for the LibDems, Get Britain Out’s Director, Jayne Adye has been in contact with the Electoral Commission to make sure these serious events are investigated fully. You can read our correspondence with the Electoral Commission here.
- In addition, Get Britain Out’s Senior Research Executive, Joshua Mackenzie-Lawrie, has explored if the Electoral Commission is fit for purpose?
- Joshua has also written a piece for BrexitCentral examining the gaping contradictions between Labour’s Manifesto promises and its refusal to get Britain out of the EU.
- Get Britain Out’s Research Executive, Oliver Dunn has written for our website explaining why delivering Brexit will revitalise the United Kingdom.
- Our Director, Jayne Adye, was also interviewed for a report by Channel 5 News on campaigning group’s online activities and this was followed up with a short interview in our office with both Josh and Oliver.
- Finally, Jayne was also interviewed for articles by the Press Association - speaking about the online reach of campaign groups on social media like Facebook. The article has so far been featured in a variety of publications including The Express and Star, the Belfast Telegraph, Aberdeen Evening Express and the Sutton and Croydon Guardian
- Long-time Eurosceptic John Redwood kept his Wokingham seat despite a significant attempt by the LibDems to replace him with their candidate, the former Conservative MP for the neighbouring constituency Bracknell, Dr Phillip Lee. Redwood won with 49.6% of the vote. – Get Reading
- Boris Johnson gave a triumphant victory speech at the count in Uxbridge and South Ruislip in which he celebrated his “one nation Conservative Government being given a powerful new mandate”. He kept his seat with an increased majority. – Daily Telegraph (YouTube video)
- When the nature of the result became clear the value of the FTSE 100 and 250 increased in value. The pound also increased by 1.9% against the Dollar and also jumped to a three-and-a-half-year high against the Euro. The certainty of Brexit being delivered is already unleashing investment which has been held up. – BBC News
- Lord Ashcroft conducted an exit poll in which he found that a majority of voters from every economic class voted for the Conservative Party. Unsurprisingly given the result, Boris Johnson had a clear lead over Jeremy Corbyn in regards to the “Who do you think would make the best Prime Minister?” question: 49% to 31% respectively. – Lord Ashcroft Polls
- Upon becoming aware the Conservative Party had won the General Election, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN! Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT”. – The Sun
- This morning, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a victory speech to staff at Conservative Party headquarters in which he proclaimed “Let's unite this country”. – The I
- Labour MPs outraged by their party’s historically poor performance are demanding Jeremy Corbyn resigns before Parliament is convened on Monday. – Daily Mail
P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people, many of whom also want to be more informed.
Since the EU Referendum, many more Remainers have changed their minds, and need as much information as possible. Now, hopefully we have a majority of our Parliament behind Brexit, as well as all that is needed to build our country towards a truly GLOBAL UNITED KINGDOM, please encourage all your family and friends to support Get Britain Out, as we have a great deal more to do before we LEAVE the EU with the BEST TRADE DEAL FOR OUR ‘ONE NATION’. We still have a great deal to do in advance of our global future. Anyone who is not already signed up to receive our fortnightly e-Bulletins can click this link to Sign Up here - and it’s FREE! WE HAVE NOT WON THE BATTLE YET!
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please don’t forget, we really need your help with DONATIONS towards securing the Best Brexit for Great Britain and the BEST FREE TRADE DEAL – or a NO DEAL on WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION RULES. Unfortunately we cannot do this without money, which would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! Every £ counts.
Thank you to everyone who is able to help, although we realise it is not possible for everyone.
Donations can be made via bank transfer, cheque, standing order or PayPal – all the details are here.