News From Congressman Bilirakis
August 14, 2022

Dear Neighbor,


On Friday, I was called back to Washington to vote on yet another huge spending bill which recently passed the Senate. This half-a-trillion dollar package is misnamed the “Inflation Reduction Act,” as it does nothing to combat inflation.  Instead, it will worsen economic conditions.  Also, according to an independent analysis, the bill will raise taxes on low-and-middle income  households and small businesses making less than $200,000 annually. Raising taxes on everyone is not how we grow our economy and provide relief to those who are hurting from crippling inflation and high gas prices.  I’ve spent the past two weeks meeting with constituents and visiting small businesses in our community.   The message they’ve shared with me is clear:  Congress should be focusing on our country’s call to lower the price of gas, groceries, and just about everything else we buy.  Instead, with this tone-deaf measure, Democrats are punishing small businesses, hiring 87,000 more IRS bureaucrats to harass the middle class, and increasing inflation.   Obviously, I voted no.


Also, last week we saw yet another example of the Biden administration weaponizing federal agencies to target political rivals while ignoring the disturbing conduct of their allies.  The raid on former President Trump’s home is yet another reminder that President Biden, and the radical left, will use any tactic they so choose to discredit President Trump for political gain.  When Republicans take back the House this November, we must immediately begin conducting oversight hearings on the out-of-control DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland.   It is imperative that we take action to protect the American people from the gross misconduct being displayed by liberal Washington bureaucrats who are clearly abusing their power and undermining public confidence in the federal government.

Please continue reading for a brief highlight of my work on your behalf last week!


Worsening our Problems


Democrats have implemented their plan to spend $80 billion to hire more IRS agents to increase audits and surveillance of hardworking Americans in the hopes that they will uncover money that can be used to fund the spending spree they just enacted.  Independent researchers show that Americans at every income level will see audit rate increases, and nearly half of all new audits would be on Americans making under $75,000 per year.  More than 70% of my constituents who responded to a recent survey were opposed to an expansion of the IRS.   Also, despite its misleading title, the Schumer Manchin tax and spending spree bill will worsen inflation over the next two years, according to new Penn-Wharton analysis.  The policies included will hit the U.S. manufacturing industry particularly hard during the next two years. 




Fighting for our Heroes


My team is working with the Veteran featured in this heartbreaking story to help him get the immediate dental care he needs.  We are also partnering with local American Dental Association dentists to provide a free day of dental services this November.  Veterans who wish to participate can call my office at 727-232-2921 to register.   While I am grateful to our local dental community for their generosity, Veterans deserve a better system of care for addressing ongoing oral health care needs, which is why I have filed legislation to expand Veterans’ dental care services.  

Last week, the PACT Act was finally signed into law.  This is a critical step forward for Veterans who have been exposed to toxins during their service to our nation.  Click here to learn more about the new law, which was originally inspired by some of our local heroes.  

Also, pursuant to House Rules, last week I filed a petition to have my Major Richard Star Act placed on the House Consent Calendar because it reached the required threshold of garnering 290 cosponsors.  This critical legislation will rectify an injustice that keeps combat disabled Veterans from receiving full military benefits.  Currently, over 50,000 medically retired veterans are forbidden from receiving their full retirement pay and disability compensation. My bill will repeal this unfair offset, allowing these disabled Veterans to receive both their retirement pay and their disability compensation.  Click here to learn more.  I look forward to getting this bill across the finish line!


Demanding Accountability and Transparency


More than 3.1 million people have illegally entered our country since President Biden took office.  Click here to learn more about the work my colleagues and I are doing to demand accountability for the poor decisions by the Biden Administration that are exacerbating the border crisis. 


My colleagues and I are also demanding transparency from the Poynter Institute, the parent company of PolitiFact, for its clear biased and politically motivated decisions that help Big Tech censor Americans on their platforms. 


Finding Better Treatments and a Cure


My colleagues and I have introduced legislation to unite the federal government in a mission to cure and prevent Parkinson’s while alleviating financial and health burdens on American families.  It will also reduce government spending over time.  This is the right thing to do for patients, families, and taxpayers. 


Regaining American Energy Independence


I support an “All of the Above” philosophy when it comes to meeting our nation’s energy needs, which is why I was pleased to visit Calibrant energy in Safety Harbor this week to learn more about their work to expand solar energy options within our community.




Last week, I also had the privilege of stopping by Vaughn’s Country Store, an independently owned and operated gas station in Dade City. I was able to speak with customers about recent surges in gas prices, the need to increase domestic production of gas and diesel fuel, and concerns about depleting emergency oil reserves. The increases they’ve seen in gas prices in the past two years have hurt their nearby small farming businesses. When coupled with the high cost of housing, food, and other necessities, these local residents are really feeling a pinch in their pocketbooks and they pleaded for help from Washington.


 Understanding the Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions


While in Dade City, I visited Save-A-Lot, a discount grocery store. From talking to employees and customers, it was clear that many in our community have not been able to afford the skyrocketing cost of basic necessities, like food. While costs at Save-A-Lot remain lower than many nearby competitors, prices of goods have risen due to increased costs for fuel, materials, and overall operations. The margins in this business are already very small, and it has been impossible not to pass some of the inflationary increases along to the end user. Congress must stop fueling this crisis with reckless spending, as these Americans are not able to sustain any further increases.

Strengthening Protections Against Cyber Attacks


My RANSOMWARE bill recently passed the House.  It will strengthen the federal government’s efforts to respond to recent ransomware and other cyber-attacks from foreign adversaries, such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.


Working Together to Tackle Addiction


During last week’s opioid summit in Pasco County, I had the chance to speak to local leaders and behavioral health professionals about the addiction crisis that continues to ravage our community.  The solution-oriented session focused on the need for greater collaboration and an “all-hands on deck” approach to developing more effective responses to the challenges we face. 




Backing the Blue


My team enjoyed supporting the Dade City Police Department at this year's recent benefit dinner. A special thank you to the brave men and women who keep our community safe!


 Celebrating Success


Congratulations to Jaxon Munroe, my constituent from Shady Hills on winning this year’s “We the Future Contest,” hosted by Constituting America.  Through this competition, students are challenged to create songs, short films, PSA's, essays, STEM and marketing projects to showcase the U.S. Constitution. 




Announcing Limited-Time Resource for Online Passport Renewal


The U.S. Department of State is currently conducting a pilot project to allow a limited number of Americans to renew their passports online instead of mailing in their application and supporting documents.  To learn more about participation, click here.  


Supporting Small Businesses


Weekly, I highlight newly opened or expanded businesses in our community that my team has visited. Congratulations to our newest small business owners and best wishes for your continued success!


I recently visited a Veteran-owned small business in Trinity, Cryo-eeze, which opened last month to provide a range of alternative and complementary treatments to Veterans and civilians who are battling physical and mental pain. I spoke with owner Ryder Gaston about the challenges of opening a new business in the midst of record high inflation.




Constituent Corner


My office recently received the following message from a constituent:


Ms. Papanikas, Mr. Grenelle, & Congressman Bilirakis, 


In June, you helped my family obtain urgent passports for our 2 children for our family trip to Mexico.  Being an ER physician in the pandemic, this was the first time we have had a chance to travel together.  Thank you!


This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515