WASH POST: "What you learn depends on what channel you watch."

BREAKING NEWS! Moments ago, the House Judiciary Committee voted to pass Articles of Impeachment against Trump and send them to the full House of Representatives for a vote. That full vote is expected next week.

This is a major milestone toward impeachment. But. the Washington Post reports that "What you learn about the impeachment hearings depends on what channel you watch." So we've put together a TV ad to make sure even voters who watch Fox News hear Trump and his top officials admitting Trump's crimes in their own voices.

Our TV ad ran in key states during the first round of hearings. Now, we're buying space to get it back on the air in the lead up to the big vote that's expected next week.

Can you chip in $3 to air our TV ad in key states and districts around the country where it will exert the most pressure on lawmakers to impeach Trump and remove him from office?

With your help, we'll air the TV ad in the New Jersey district of Congressman Josh Gottheimer, who CNN reports has been working with a group of conservative Dems to try to derail the impeachment process.

Then, since it is the Senate that will ultimately vote on convicting and removing Trump from office, we want to air the TV ad this weekend again in Maine and Colorado, like we did during the first round of impeachment hearings, and add Iowa. These 3 states have Republican senators that are up for re-election and are vulnerable. We want to make sure these vulnerable senators know that voters in their states are hearing the truth about Trump's crimes right from Trump's own mouth -- even if they get most of their information from Fox News.

Can you chip in $3 to buy time to get our TV ad back on the air where it's needed the most?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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