Dear Partners,

Congress only has five more working days to keep its promise to American families and ban surprise medical bills this year.

A bipartisan, bicameral agreement has been made on legislation that will protect consumers all across America from surprise bills once and for all, while holding down health care costs for everyone. However, this bill will only become law if Congressional leaders bring it a vote by December 20.

Now is the time for immediate action.

Please take action and pass these opportunities on to your networks:

  • Visit to call or email your member of Congress or take other actions to urge passage on surprise bill legislation by December 20.
  • Tweet this video urging Congressional leadership to bring forward a vote on surprise bill legislation this year.
  • Share additional content on social media about the urgency of passing surprise bill legislation.

This is the most important week in our campaign to end surprise medical bills this year. Please do all you can to join us in acting to ban surprise bills!

In solidarity,

Claire McAndrew
Director of Campaigns and Partnerships

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Health Action Network

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