From Jon Kaiman <>
Subject True leaders are tested.
Date August 13, 2022 9:26 PM
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There are people in this country increasingly losing faith in our nation. Our government, our democratic system, and our institutions are in jeopardy. If we want to move forward; we must listen to each other, talk to one another, work together, and understand where we have come from in order to look forward to where we can go.

I have a history of working for the people. I’m someone who has been elected and held public office. I have represented 230,000 residents as Town Supervisor and 1.5 million residents as Deputy County Executive. I have worked in New York State government and as a District Court Judge. I understand and respect our institutions and I know how to work within various environments to find solutions for the people that I represent.

John - True leaders are tested, year in and year out. Recently, I released a new ad hoping to remind people of just that.

Click the image above to watch my new ad

With less than 10 days to go, my campaign needs all the support we can get. Please consider making a contribution today. Together, we can make real change happen for this country.

- Jon


| Paid for by Jon Kaiman for Congress |

Jon Kaiman for Congress
P.O. Box 222061
Great Neck NY 11022 United States

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