
As the end of the year approaches, I’m writing to thank you for your early interest in the Quincy Institute and invite you to support this new enterprise.

The Quincy Institute’s aim is nothing less than to bring about a fundamental reorientation in how we engage with the world, moving U.S. foreign policy away from militarism and toward diplomacy. There is a lot to do. We hope you will continue to stay involved and consider making a tax-deductible year-end gift in support of this critical work

Support the Quincy Institute

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was officially launched on December 4 and is already being described as an impressive and much-needed addition to the foreign policy debate.

I encourage you to visit to view our latest publications, including the following highlights from the past week:

  • QI President Andrew Bacevich’s piece in the Atlantic Magazine delves into the Afghanistan Papers and how the U.S. government has been deliberately misleading the American public about this unwinnable war.

  • A video interview with QI’s Adam Wunische, a veteran of the Afghanistan War, explains how our leadership’s systemic misrepresentation of what has been achieved in Afghanistan is endemic to justifying endless war. 

  • QI expert Jessica Lee’s Quincy Brief opens up a lively debate by exploring whether the time has come to reevaluate the U.S.-South Korea military relationship.

I hope you will keep the Quincy Institute in mind this year with a tax-deductible gift as we build our organization. We are just getting started and every contribution matters! 

We believe the current moment presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to set U.S. foreign policy on a sensible and humane footing. Your support of this endeavor encourages us in our belief that such change is indeed possible.

With appreciation,

Suzanne DiMaggio
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft


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