It's really happening. Early voting has begun! It's time to make your voice heard at the ballot box.

Find early vote locations, dates, and times here. Polls will be open all weekend!

This is the moment we've been working toward. All of our hard work comes down to this election.

That's where YOU come in. Whenever you get a free moment this weekend, please take just a few minutes to visit an early vote location from 9am to 6pm (9am to 5pm in Queens) Saturday or Sunday and cast your ballot for Josh Lafazan. You'll be making a huge difference in this low turnout race where every vote will count even more so than usual!

If you can't go vote this weekend, early voting will be open all week until Sunday, August 21st, but don't wait! Find early vote locations, dates, and times here.

THIS is what democracy is all about. Voting and making your voice heard.

Let's do this!

Team Lafazan

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50