How to Activate and Use the New Snapchat Family Center Controls Snap has finally launched the Family Center: a new tool to help caregivers gain insight into who their children are interacting with on the popular app. For the past six years, NCOSE has been advocating with Snapchat to give parents greater oversight and insight into their children’s Snapchat activities. Our team also participated in discussions and official expert consultations around the Family Center development. We are thrilled that as of August 9, 2022, it is available in the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and will be rolled out to other international markets in the coming weeks. If you have children on Snapchat or know other parents/caregivers who do, we strongly encourage taking full advantage of these new tools! Keep reading for a breakdown of what the tools do, how to get them, and what more NCOSE would like to see Snap change to protect its young users. |