Vox: “House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.” Tell Republicans to get back to work >>
John: My Democratic colleagues and I have advanced nearly 400 measures through the House.
But the vast majority of them are stuck in the Senate with Moscow Mitch refusing to take action.
Your engagement will force McConnell to act. Add your name and help us gather 14,000 signatures before midnight tonight.
President Trump claims House Democrats aren’t getting anything done, but the truth is we’re the ONLY ones getting anything done.
We’ve advanced measures that would:
Lower the cost of prescription drugs
Codify LGBTQ anti-discrimination protections
Combat climate change
Improve veterans services
Increase the minimum wage
Prevent domestic violence and child abuse
Strengthen background checks for gun sales
Add your name before midnight and be one of the 14,000 grassroots supporters to tell McConnell and Republicans to get back to work for the people >>
Don’t let up,