
Meet Mikie Sherrill. She's a former Navy Pilot, a mom of four, and an incredible Congresswoman for New Jersey. She's also coming off of a series of huge legislative accomplishments — all of which Republicans repeatedly tried to block.

The GOP is targeting Mikie's seat, but we need her in Congress fighting for us. Will you make sure she has the resources she needs to win in November by chipping in now?

This week, the Honoring Our PACT Act was signed into law, despite the vast majority of Republicans voting AGAINST it. Thanks to the hard work of Mikie and many others, veterans will now be able to access the healthcare they desperately need.

If Republicans get control of the House, they will block every piece of legislation they can — no matter who it helps. We can't risk that happening. Help protect our House Majority by protecting Mikie's seat >>

Thank you!

— HER Time