Poll Worker Recruitment Day 2022
LULAC Says Presente!
August 16, 2022 has been designated as National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, a day of action with the goal of encouraging potential poll workers to sign up to Help America Vote in communities across the country.
With the midterm elections underway and the general election fast approaching, the need to recruit and engage poll workers is increasingly urgent and essential to our democracy. U.S. Senate, Members of Congress plus state, county and local candidates will be elected who will affect each of us in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Voter suppression and election disinformation are disproportionately impacting Latinos and communities of color. That’s why LULAC is part of the coalition that is leading Power the Polls, an opportunity for you to volunteer in your community and welcome Latinos who are turning out to cast their ballots in a safe manner.
It’s simple and easy to do. www.powerthepolls.org/LULAC
Across the country, election administrators are already reporting poll worker shortages. These shortages threaten access to the ballot box by leading to polling location closures and long lines, especially in communities of color and low income communities. In 2020, Power the Polls, LULAC and other partners recruited over 700,000 potential poll workers. So far this year, we’re seeing the most need in AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, NH, NV, OH, PA, TX, and WI.
Poll workers are critical to help maintain safe in-person voting for communities without reliable access to mail service, voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, or for voters who simply want to cast their ballot in-person as they always have. The deadline and requirements to apply to be a poll worker varies by state.
You will also find many helpful resources and tips you can use right away to share with other LULAC members, family and friends to get them involved too. www.lulac.org/powerthepolls/
Nothing is more important to LULAC than making sure we are trained and ready at the polls when millions of Latinos turn out to cast their ballots! Our lives and those of our families are at stake.
Join LULAC & Power the Polls to be part of Democracy in Action!
Serving as a poll worker is a valuable way to give back to your community and support your neighbors. It’s one of the most effective ways you can help make sure our democracy works as it should. Poll working is fun, nonpartisan, and you may even get paid! Do your part to ensure safe, free, and fair elections for all voters.
This is our moment in LULAC history to serve and turn out our community. Let’s make sure when Latinos show up to vote in this historic election, they will see you and me and know LULAC is presente!
Let us make November 8th a day of victory for Democracy in America!

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About LULAC The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit www.LULAC.org. |