Great news: Because of our calls and letters, the House of Representatives just passed the Inflation Reduction Act, a generational bill to cut costs for working families, curb climate change, create jobs, and more.
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The Inflation Reduction Act makes prescription drugs more affordable while stopping Pharma’s price gouging. It gives middle-class families a break on healthcare premiums. It requires the biggest and most successful corporations to pay a fairer share in taxes. And it creates jobs with historic public investment in manufacturing, energy security and lower energy costs for working families—all while helping address the impacts of the climate crisis. And it does all of this while decreasing the deficit.
This bill is a huge win for working families, and its passage is the result of many weeks and months of hard work and advocacy. It’s also another example of the Biden administration delivering on what working families need. This bill follows the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to reduce gun violence, the PACT Act to provide necessary healthcare to veterans who had been exposed to toxic chemicals and burn pits, and the CHIPs Act to create jobs and boost our supply chain.
I want to thank congressional Democrats for getting this important bill written and passed, and I want to thank activists like you for helping push these historic investments and reforms over the finish line.
Thank you for all you do. Click here to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
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