Did you see the news? Moments ago, my Democratic colleagues and I passed the Inflation Reduction Act!

I can’t stress this enough – this legislation is A. BIG. DEAL.

I’ll keep my enthusiasm brief for the moment and quickly share just two of the details of the IRA I’m most excited about. First, the historic investments ($369 Billion!!!) in green energy infrastructure, such as wind turbines, and tax credits for clean energy investments you make at home! Second, much-needed health reforms that will lower out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs!

Today’s vote is a huge win for Americans and our environment. In the coming weeks, our team will follow up with more of the details on the IRA, but I couldn’t resist reaching out personally to celebrate this win with you!

As the IRA heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law, let us know instantly that you stand with House Democrats in passing the Inflation Reduction Act.

More to come,

Mary Gay






Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory - the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating to her reelection campaign.


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Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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