Americans Need Relief, Not More Taxes
Inflation remained at a 40-year high in July, with food prices skyrocketing once again. While Americans across the country are struggling to keep up with inflation, the Biden Administration and House Democrats passed a socialist tax and spending bill that will do little to curb inflation.

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act does nothing to reduce inflation. Do not be fooled by the name. Here is what this legislation will actually do:

  • Add $570 billion in new taxes, $167 billion of which will be derived from families with incomes below $200,000;
  • Dedicate $370 billion for Green New Deal-style handouts to “green” energy industries without making the reforms we need to actually promote clean energy technologies like improving environmental permitting processes and reducing federal regulations;
  • Add $80 billion for the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents, which is roughly six times the agency’s annual budget; and
  • Add $64 billion to extend “enhanced” Obamacare subsidies with no income requirements.

Not only will this legislation not bring down inflation, but it will also raise taxes for low- and middle-income Americans. This is inconceivable at a time when we are in a recession.

I voted no against this legislation alongside my Republican colleagues, and when we take back the House in November, we will provide relief for the American people and Central Washington.

I am proud to serve Central Washington and fight for your priorities.
Be Prepared: Wildfire Resource Kit
The catastrophic wildfires facing our region are—unfortunately—something we have come to expect during the dry, summer months. That said, I encourage you to continue to take caution to protect your families, homes, businesses, and communities. I am working in Congress to ensure our region receives the federal assistance we need to fight and manage these wildfires. Below is a link to a list of federal, state, and local resources to help keep you and your families safe from wildfires. As we continue to navigate these disasters, I will work to ensure this list includes the most up-to-date information possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you or a loved one be in need of assistance or guidance. We stand ready to help in any way we can.
Great News for Central Washington Businesses
The U.S. Department of Agriculture just announced 3 grants for rural business developments in Central Washington. Here are the 3 businesses that have received grants:

  • $60,000 for Okanogan County's Economic Alliance, a non-profit business and technical assistance provider will lead the charge with one-on-one small business assistance, organization trainings and resource connections.
  • $50,000 for Loup Ski Bowl Education Foundation, which will be used to hire a consultant to complete a business plan, feasibility study, and perform market research.
  • $50,000 for the Pateros Rink and Event Center to hire a consultant to complete the feasibility study.

These grants will create 57 jobs and will save 22 jobs.
Yakima Health Officials Push Opioid Overdose Prevention Campaign

Drug overdoses are killing Yakima residents. Yakima County Coroner Jim Curtice says 41 people have died of drug overdoses so far this year in Yakima County. He says last year Yakima County saw a record 98 overdoses with half connected to fentanyl.

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Our Dams are Critical to Central Washington
The Four Lower Snake River Dams are critical to our way of life in Central Washington. From clean, renewable energy, irrigation, and transportation to bring our goods to market. Without them, we will see an increase in energy prices, and our farmers and producers will not be able to send their goods all over the United States and the world.

That is why I am working in Congress to save our dams! As long as I am in Congress, I will not let them be breached.
Why is the Biden Administration raising taxes... again?

Right now, the price of gas, groceries, and just about everything else we buy is rising exponentially and the GDP has decreased for the second quarter in a row, officially entering our economy into a recession.

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