Nana. Abuela. Ma’dear. 

Grandpa. Paw Paw. Abuelito. 

We talk a lot about making sure the older people we love have the care they need when they need it. But we can’t forget that care often goes both ways.

Every day, grandparents show up in our families: they fill in the gaps for working parents by picking kids up from school, cooking meals, and providing essentials like clothing and school supplies.  And, what’s happening more and more is that grandparents are becoming the primary caregiver for their grandchildren. Currently, 2.7 million grandparents in the United States are raising their grandchildren. They’re loving them, caring for them and providing for their daily needs. 

We want to talk to these grandparents and learn about their care experiences. If you’re a grandparent who is on after-school duty or raising your grandchild, would you share your story with us today? And if you know a grandparent in a caregiving situation, could you share this ask with them? Simply complete this form sharing the basics, and we’ll follow up with you for a short phone call. 

We want to know:

  • How did you find yourself caring for your grandchildren? 
  • What about it brings you joy? 
  • What parts are really, really hard? 
  • Who is caring for you as you care for them? 

Share your stories here.

Theresa, 45, spoke with us about the joys and challenges she experiences as she cares for her granddaughter, while also caring part-time for her mother and working a full-time job. In talking with Theresa, it became clear that affordable and accessible care could make a world of difference to grandparents who are taking on these new and often unexpected responsibilities. That’s why we advocate for Universal Family Care, to make sure that caregivers of all kinds can get the care they need when they need it. We’re excited to learn more from grandparents like Theresa who are doing this labor of love.

Click here to share your story with us today. Or forward this email to a grandparent we should talk to.

With Care,

Kia Smith
Social Media Manager