Honoring the architects of the Earth.
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
NOTES FROM THE FIELD | 2022 | Special Edition
together for elephants
As the world's largest land animals, elephants are among the most iconic species to walk our planet, inspiring awe among all of us. These gentle giants are the architects of the Earth—moving trees, carving corridors, and shaping the landscape—that other wildlife and people depend on to thrive. As ecosystem engineers and a keystone species that so many species rely on, they have an enormous impact on our planet—and they need our help.

Today, as we celebrate World Elephant Day, we also celebrate the intricate connections between wildlife, people, and the planet we all share. Our teams offer world-class, around-the-clock care, for elephant herds at the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and these insights drive innovative conservation actions as part of our collaborative partnerships to save, protect, and care for African and Asian elephants worldwide. Our teams are contributing to the latest discoveries in elephant conservation, increasing our understanding of how they thrive, and how we can better coexist.

Through your support, we're sharing more than a century of elephant care and conservation expertise with partners around the globe as we work together to save them. Join us to celebrate and discover how you're making a difference.

elephant conservation video
We're proud to partner with Save the Elephants, working together to better understand African elephant migration patterns, their generational and complex social dynamics, and to promote human-wildlife coexistence across their shared savanna landscape.
Play the video above to check out a special conversation between San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance President and Chief Executive Officer, Paul Baribault, and Frank Pope, CEO of Save the Elephants, as they discuss the future of elephant conservation and our collaborative efforts to save this iconic species.
Elephant face
You can tell African elephants from their Asian cousins by looking at their ears, which are shaped like the continent of Africa.
Elephant trunk
An elephant's trunk is so strong it can push down mammoth-sized trees, and so agile that it can pick up a single sunflower seed.
Elephant talking
During the dry season, elephants often dig wells to create access to water. In turn, other wildlife rely on these small watering holes to survive and thrive.
Elephant splashing
During the dry season, elephants often dig wells to create access to water. In turn, other wildlife rely on these small watering holes to survive and thrive.
Elephant splashing
There are three different types of elephants: Asian elephants, and two subspecies of African elephants—savanna and forest. All three are endangered, and with your support, we're working to save them and their dynamic ecosystems.
Every trip you take to the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park saves, protects, and cares for countless animals and plants here in San Diego and across the world. Our conservation work begins with you—join us this weekend at the Safari Park for Wild Weekend: Elephants as we celebrate these gentle giants with special experiences and one-of-a-kind moments that will last a lifetime.
Wild Elephants playing
Together, we can make a difference.

elephants hugging
Help End Wildlife Trafficking >
Sign this petition to your legislators, urging them to take action to protect wildlife.
elephants hugging
Adopt an Elephant >
Symbolically adopt an African elephant and help secure their future.
ShopZoo elephant merchandise
Your purchases through SHOPZOO support our efforts to save, protect, and care for wildlife here in San Diego and around the world. Snag a t-shirt, insulated cup, or one of our limited-edition plush designed by famed artist, Britto, and help support elephants and other iconic wildlife worldwide.

Elephant Valley
John, at the heart of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, the reimagined Denny Sanford Elephant Valley will be unlike anything you've ever experienced before. We need your support to build this brand-new home, a one-of-a-kind place—unlike anywhere on Earth—where millions of visitors will make lifelong connections with these gentle giants.
Your generosity will transform the future for elephants here in San Diego and around the world.