Friday, 12 August 2022

Iranian society has been taken hostage, says exiled documentary film-maker

Vahid Zarezade and Gelareh Kakavand have been forced to flee the country after being interrogated and beaten for their work highlighting conditions in Iran's prisons. Read our interview herePhoto: Sadra Abdulahi

Index supports The Shift News in freedom of information battle with Malta's government

Read why we have joined with other free expression, press freedom, and journalists’ organisations to express support for the media outlet as it faces an all-out legal battle with government entities in the country.
Photo: Koby/Unsplash

Why are the letters of political prisoners in Belarus so cheerful?

Censorship of communications means that those detained by Lukashenka's regime are not free to express themselves openly, writes Ala SivetsIllustration: Natasha Garlukovic

Last chance to get 30% off an online subscription to Index

The summer 2022 issue of Index on Censorship is out now. In the latest issue, artists, dissidents and journalists write about the corrosive effect of the war in Ukraine on freedoms across Europe. Read incisive articles by Viktoria Sedult, a journalist in Hungary, about Europe’s most right-wing leader, Viktor Orbán; Hanna Komar, an activist from Belarus, on how she is desperately trying to challenge her parents on the lies they see on their TV; Andrey Kurkov on how today, as in the past, Russia is trying to erase Ukraine’s culture; and a discussion with the poet Lyuba Yumichuk on children in Donbas being fed an alternative history.

Take out an online subscription today and get a 30% discount from Exact Editions using the promo code Battle4Ukraine. Offer ends 15 August.

Help support Index on Censorship
Index on Censorship defends people's freedom to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution. We publish censored writers and artists, monitor and campaign against censorship, and encourage debate.  

We rely on donations from readers and supporters. By donating to Index you help us to protect freedom of expression and to support those who are denied that right.
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