I’ve emailed you a lot over the years – this is one I hope you’ll take the time to read. //


A new year is always a time of reflection for me – but that’s especially true this year as I get ready to wrap up my time as our party’s National Director.

It was an amazing few years – I got to watch Jagmeet become leader of our party – and then saw him through a truly incredible campaign. And I got to watch our team come together in the face of so many people who were counting us out, dig deep, and do what New Democrats always do – fight hard for people no matter what.

I’m so proud of this party, this team, and our leader – and so excited because I know that we have a strong foundation. But I have one thing left that I need to do before I go – and that’s make sure that we have the resources we need to build on everything we’ve accomplished together. To do it, we need to hit our critical end-of-year fundraising target. Will you chip in $3 to help?

Chip in!

John, I’ve written to you a lot over the years to ask you to help our movement. We’ve been through highs and breakthroughs, and we’ve been through low points where it seemed like everyone was counting us out.

You’ve stood with us, and the strong, principled, and successful campaign we just ran would not have been possible without you. That campaign inspired millions of Canadians to believe our leader can be better and that government can and should work for everyday people, not those at the very top. It grew our movement and put us in the position we’re in now – where we have the opportunity to make a difference for people.

But before I go, I need to know we’ll be able to seize that opportunity as we head into 2020. So I’m asking you, one last time, to help us hit our fundraising target by chipping in $3 right now.


Thanks for everything, John,


Melissa Bruno
National Director
Canada’s NDP

What's the deal with the tax credit?

Donations to the NDP are eligible for a generous tax credit which means you get to help us fight for what people need and get a nice big return at tax time – it's win-win!

You get 75% of the first $400 you give. So at the end of the day, you spend $100 – but our team can invest $400 to build on our campaign momentum, stand up for everyday Canadians, and start 2020 strong and ready for anything.

Donate before December 31 and get the max out of your tax return.


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
