From PEAK Grantmaking <[email protected]>
Subject PEAK Weekly
Date August 12, 2022 3:03 PM
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Meyer Memorial's major grantmaking shifts. Trending on CONNECT. Weekly reads.

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** Meyer’s Grantmaking: Three major shifts
Kaberi Banerjee Murthy offers an inside look at how Meyer Memorial Trust has created a new funding framework that’s rooted in trust-based practices and better centers nonprofit partners.
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Join this week’s trending conversations:
* Granting to government entities through DAFs ([link removed])
* Examining overdue report policies ([link removed])
* Updating grant agreement language ([link removed])

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice:
* Revamping sponsorship policies ([link removed])
* Seeking additional information on unrestricted granting ([link removed])
* Shifting to simpler grant reporting ([link removed])

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** Upcoming Events

August 16
Project Management Essentials for Grants Professionals Workshop (PEAK Minnesota) ([link removed])

August 18
Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest) ([link removed])

August 24
Leveraging Your Grants Management System to Drive Data-Informed Change (GivingData) ([link removed])

August 25
Exploring Due Diligence in a Rapidly Changing Environment (PEAK Mideast) ([link removed])

September 12
PEAK Board Nominations Ask-Me-Anything Session ([link removed])

ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])

** Weekly Reads

“[B]uilding a ‘culture of philanthropy’ requires planning, patience, perseverance, and a long-term commitment. The organization’s leadership, board members, and staff from all departments must choose to work together as a team, forming authentic relationships with each other and their community of stakeholders. Investing in this new culture could take three to five years, but if a nonprofit doesn’t make that investment, what does the future hold?” [more] ([link removed])
Kati Neiheisel, Candid

“‘What I heard very loud and clear from all of our grantee partners was, we have tried the procedural reforms and our folks are still dying,’ says [Jeree] Thomas, who recalls connecting with grantee partners and community leaders to tune into the needs of folks on the ground. As a result, the fund started to place a greater emphasis on expanding community services in order to help people who may be vulnerable and curb violence before it starts.” [more] ([link removed])
Inside Philanthropy

“To achieve goals long pursued, the humanitarian, development and philanthropic community must re-envision the “donor industrial complex” and the current system of providing restricted project funds and often channeling them through international NGO and multilateral recipient organizations. Such reforms must include increasing general operating support grants, but it is even more important to develop and use new financing solutions that shift power to locally-led initiatives and increase the sustainability of local organizations.” [more] ([link removed])
Riva Kantowitz, Radical Flexibility Fund, for Center for Disaster Philanthropy

“What has become clear to me in this learning journey is that taking the time to listen to the stories from grantee partners and from frontline communities is critical. It allows us to engage on a human level and to see how climate change intersects with so many of the issues we care about like poverty alleviation, gender equity, migration and displaced people, agriculture, girls’ education, health and well-being, and the list goes on. Like so many, we are feeling the urgency to do more.” [more] ([link removed])
Sheila Leddy, Center for Effective Philanthropy

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