Did you see this?
This is Alex’s opponent, and who National Republicans would like to see representing California in the Senate.
Now, let’s be clear here. There’s no double standard. The FBI got a warrant and conducted a legal search, and it’s ridiculous to compare Donald Trump–who incited a violent insurrection to overturn our election– to President Obama or AOC.
Not to mention that neither we nor you nor anyone else knows what is in that warrant until or unless it’s made public.
But for Republicans like Mark Meuser, none of that matters. The truth doesn’t matter. All that matters to the GOP is defending Donald Trump no matter what.
And honestly, it’s a scary sign for our country and our democracy. California needs a Senator whose loyalties are to what’s best for our democracy and the people of California — not what’s best for Donald Trump.
So please:
Thank you as always for your support, and for anything you’re able to chip in today.
- Team Alex Padilla
Paid For By Alex Padilla for Senate
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