Farmed animal sanctuaries, including microsanctuaries, are an important part of the animal advocacy movement. How does a farmed animal sanctuary differ from a farm or 4-H? What are these sanctuaries designed to teach? Some advocates still question their contribution to animal liberation. Tune in to hear my opinion and see if you agree.
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9:45 Minutes |
KAREN DAVIS, PhD is the President and Founder of United Poultry Concerns, a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl including a sanctuary for chickens in Virginia. Inducted into the National Animal Rights Hall of Fame for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Liberation, Karen is the author of numerous books, essays, articles and campaigns. Her latest book is For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation: Essays on Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Domesticated Fowl published by Lantern Publications & Media.