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The FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate occurring in the same week as an hours long deposition in New York, and orchestrated by New York State Attorney General Letitia James in a case designed to seize all of Trump's New York properties, should remove any doubt that this is a politically motivated witch hunt seeking to influence the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections and prevent Trump from running in 2024.? This is the same thing that James and company did to former Governor Andrew Cuomo with a trial by press to run him out of office just a few months before an election.? They are doing this because they are scared of you -- you the voters -- who cannot be trusted to make your own choice in a free and fair election.? The rotten trans-Atlantic financial and political system is coming down now, and if we stand together we can join with other nations which are rejecting Prince Charles' and Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset," and establish a new order among perfectly sovereign nations based on the principle of the "consent of the governed."

Michael Billington, who spent 10 years in prison merely because of his very effective organizing for the presidential campaigns of Lyndon LaRouche, will be my guest tonight.? We will take up what happened in the LaRouche case which set the precedent for what is occurring today.? We can defeat this, and my campaign against Mr. "Six Ways From Sunday" Chuck Schumer is all about this.

NY Symposium Friday August 12,7:30 pm:Don't let the FBI Run American Elections; the LaRouche Case

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