

The moment I feared is here. Now that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Iowa’s Governor Kim Reynolds is requesting that the state court allow Iowa’s six week abortion ban to go into effect. 


This will have a devastating effect on so many Iowans.


I know it’s hard not to feel powerless when things like this happen. But we do have collective power and we can exercise it this November. 


Elections matter and they have consequences, John. We are seeing those consequences in real time. But we can and we must fight back.


This November, we have a chance to send Gov. Kim Reynolds packing by electing Deidre DeJear as our next governor. Deidre believes as I do – that these are deeply private and personal health care decisions that should be made between patients and their doctors, not by politicians. 


We need to elect pro-choice Democrats to the Iowa Legislature, and we need to elect Deidre DeJear as Iowa’s next governor. Will you chip in $10 and help Deidre and I fight back at the state level?


We need real leaders who will stand up for our rights and work to find solutions to our problems, not create them. 


Standing Tall for All,

J.D. Scholten

If you'd like to send a check to Scholten for Iowa, please mail it to: Scholten for Iowa, P.O. Box 5351, Sioux City, IA 51102.


Paid for by Scholten for Iowa.