Dear John,
I imagine you’re still reflecting on the election results and what this means. It’s been exhausting and you probably just want a break and are looking forward to the holidays.
For Liberty, this is when our work really begins – and it is more vital than ever.
We’ve been holding Governments to account since 1934 and we won’t stop now.
Thank you so much for your interest in our work. Please consider becoming a member of Liberty at this crucial time.
You’ll be joining thousands of other people who want to make the UK a fairer place for everyone. Together we’ve been winning legal cases, influencing political and public opinion, and changing unjust laws for nearly a century.
We’re now in for the fight of our lives.
We’re facing an attack on the Human Rights Act, increased surveillance of the whole population and policing which targets minorities. The racist hostile environment and state harassment of anyone considered different will continue.
And our very democracy is under threat with this Government that wants to put itself above the law.
But we’re ready.
In court, in Parliament, on the streets – we’re going to fight like our rights depend on it.
Join us and let’s change society for the better.
Martha Spurrier
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