From Yasmeen Silva, Population Connection Action Fund <>
Subject The fall of Roe has consequences outside the US
Date August 11, 2022 9:10 PM
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Dear Friend,
The fall of Roe has been felt acutely by those of us here in the United States. But what does this ruling mean for those outside of the U.S.? We’ll explore this question in our upcoming discussion, Beyond Our Borders: How the Fall of Roe Will Impact sub-Saharan Africa . Join us on August 23 at 12pm ET [[link removed]] for a conversation with medical professionals, lawyers, and humanitarians on the African continent to learn just how this U.S. decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is poised to have far reaching implications.
Register here! [[link removed]]
We look forward to having you join in the conversation! You can pre-submit questions for our speakers when you register ahead of time. We expect this to be a rich discussion, so don’t miss out!
See you there,
Yasmeen Silva (she/her)
National Field Manager
Population Connection

Population Connection
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STE 500
Washington, DC 20037
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