![]() Patriot, The Biden regime is waging war on the American people, and those like you and me who demand adherence to the U.S. Constitution in particular. If it wasn’t clear enough already, the events of this week have made it crystal clear. We see it with the ongoing politicized persecution of the January 6 defendants, while violent, organized left-wing political terrorism throughout 2020 and beyond has been ignored or excused. We see it with the censorship and persecution of journalists exposing serious scandals like the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop and Ashley Biden diary, while nobody was (or will be) held accountable for the FISA warrants obtained under false pretenses to spy on the Trump campaign, based on a “Russia collusion” hoax concocted by Hillary Clinton’s operatives. We saw it with the targeting of pro-freedom political organizations like Campaign for Liberty throughout the Obama administration. And now, Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are providing funding to the IRS for 87,000 new armed agents in their “Build Back Broke” bill which could pass the House this week. The IRS job posting says agents should be prepared to use “deadly force,” and I fully anticipate the full-on scaring and harassment of Americans by the IRS will resume shortly. Even the mainstream media is talking about Biden and the big government statists waging war on the American people, after the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home this week. (I’ve been warning about the FBI for decades and how they aggressively target Americans. Click here to see an interview with me from 1988, where I noted the FBI was used from the get-go to spy on Americans and target dissidents.) Mainstream conservative outlets like Fox News are calling it out; mainstream liberal outlets are gloating about it. What they aren’t talking about is that this has always been part of the globalist agenda. Whether it’s the “Great Reset,” the “New World Order,” or whatever name they come up with next: It’s all about erasing our national sovereignty and the constitutional protections that have kept our republic intact for two centuries. But in the heat of battle, we need to keep perspective. The weaponization of federal law enforcement is a terrible thing, and like everything else the government does, it will devastate its victims. But the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”), the total destruction of our financial privacy and security, will cause permanent, profound damage to the liberty of all Americans. Make no mistake: This isn’t some side operation in the statists’ war on our freedom. Controlling the money is a major component of their assault on liberty. Almost 50 years ago, the posterchild of globalists and war mongers, Henry Kissinger, gave us the truth for once: “Who controls the food supply controls the
people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” — Henry Kissinger Losing the ability to control our personal money is among the most dangerous threats to our freedom we face. It would be an absolute breakthrough for tyrants to be able to surveil and control our money in this way. We absolutely must mobilize to stop this, right now. Sources say Congress plans to vote on CBDC legislation in September once they return from summer break. That doesn’t give you and me much time to organize against this dangerous proposal. For these statists, it's not enough for the Fed to just print money out of thin air, which is essentially counterfeiting. . . They want total control of your money: to manipulate its value, to spy on you, and even to confiscate it from you. We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend your money on! Patriot, ultimately all of this is headed to a world where you and I (and everyone else) are enslaved to a few powerful elites with the means to monitor what we do, say, think, have or don't have in our bodies. Tell Congress Right Now: Protect What Is Left of the Integrity of the Dollar; Do Not Allow the Fed to Implement Any Type of Digital Currency! Straight from the horse’s mouth, they admit what it’s all really about: "Using Threats to Grow Resilience. In Every Industry, Every Country, Every Day...One Global Network...Thought Leadership" Those words are from “marketing” of the global consulting firm that created the “Digital Dollar Project.” Patriot, we need to stand up and fight to save our constitutional republic. Here's what we need you to do: First, sign your Directive to Congress: Do Not Allow the Fed to Implement Digital Currency! Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring this power grab to a crashing halt! Can you give a gift of $25, $50, or even $100 today? $500 will allow us to reach even more Americans to warn and activate them into action to fight the Fed’s move to a cashless society. If you’re able to give $1,000 or more, we can use social media and traditional media to reach even more people. This Central Bank Digital Currency will allow the statists to see every transaction you make. They’ll even be able to decide whether it’s appropriate or not. It’s an Orwellian nightmare. For our freedom, for our children and grandchildren’s freedom . . . I hope you’ll join me in speaking out. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. It may be their most Orwellian scheme yet – the global elites, Big Government authoritarians, and the banksters at the Federal Reserve are linking arms to impose Central Bank Digital Currency and force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar." Congress is planning to vote on a CBDC as early as September! I need your help to mobilize against this threat and this weapon of the globalists who want to control your money! So, please, sign our Directive to Congress to Oppose Digital Currency immediately. And then, pitch in with your most generous gift of $24, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can afford today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |