Barbara represents not only our 9,000th ID, but also the struggle that so many people are facing across the country. She is why we do what we do.
Twenty one million Americans are living without an ID. Our 501(c)(4) sister organization, Project ID Action Fund is working to end this problem for good but in the meantime, we are on the streets and working with partners every day in 17 states, helping as many people change their lives as we can. So far, we have helped 9,000 clients, and their children, families, and communities, get the IDs they needed to get their lives back on track.
Now, we’re on the road to 10,000! And we need your help. Barbara’s ID and documents came to over $1000, including paying the fines required to get her driver’s license back. For most of our clients, the cost ranges from $25-$150 to get an ID and the documents required by the DMV. As I write this, we have obtained 9,023 IDs. So at our average cost of $40, that means we need at least $39,080 to help 977 more people get IDs this year.
Can you chip in and help us meet this goal? In this time of midterms, two national health emergencies, increasing evictions, unbearable weather extremes, and challenges everywhere we look, this is something we can do. This is something we HAVE done. Five years ago, we had obtained zero IDs. Now we’re close to 10,000. Let’s finish 2022 with a huge win.