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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 13 December


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


‘After the worst election campaign in memory, Britain’s religious minorities must unite’

Sunny Hundal says the manner in which faith groups have been set against each other is unprecedented and dangerous.

New Statesman


Sikhs lose High Court battle to be included as ethnic group in UK census

A bid for Sikhs to be included as an ethnic group in the UK census has been rejected by a High Court judge.

Birmingham Live


School apologises after deputy head told pupils 'there is no Father Christmas'

A faith school has apologised after its deputy head told pupils "there is no Father Christmas".



Latest Oxfordshire FGM victim numbers revealed by NHS

At least three new victims of female genital mutilation have been seen by NHS services in Oxfordshire so far this year.

The Herald (Oxfordshire)


Two dead, several wounded in India as protests escalate over citizenship law

Violent mobs in India's northeastern state of Assam torched buildings and clashed with police on Thursday, leaving two dead and 11 with bullet wounds, as protests grew over a new citizenship law for non-Muslim minorities from some neighbouring countries.



Costa Rica's president says therapeutic abortions will be allowed

Costa Rica's president Carlos Alvarado on Thursday issued a technical decree that will allow for therapeutic abortions in the Central American nation, despite opposition from religious and conservative political groups.



Atheist reaches settlement over religious objection to mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous

A Canadian atheist has won a legal battle over mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous.



‘“God has a new Africa”: undercover in a US-led anti-LGBT “hate movement”’

Rita Nketiah reflects on an undercover trip to a summit organized by the World Congress of Families, an international network led by US and Russian ultra-conservatives which has strong religious links.



More than 1m Brazilian Christians want ‘gay Jesus’ Christmas special removed from Netflix

A Netflix Christmas comedy special portraying Jesus as gay has outraged more than a million conservative Christians in Brazil who want it removed.



Christian group calls for repeal of Pakistan’s blasphemy law

The charity Release International, which supports persecuted Christians, has called for the repeal of Pakistan's blasphemy law.

Church Times


Latest from the NSS


NSS criticises BBC video promoting Operation Christmas Child

The NSS has said a BBC video on the Operation Christmas Child shoebox scheme acted as "propaganda for fundamentalist Christianity".


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