
Beto O’Rourke gets it, friend.

Yesterday at a campaign event, Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke was expressing outrage at the murder of 19 children in Uvalde with an easily purchased automatic weapon. But when a heckler starting laughing, Beto didn’t skip a beat: “It may be funny to you motherf&%er, but it’s not funny to me.”

And Beto is right to be pissed. While these tragedies continue to happen, Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans continue to do the NRA’s bidding. But we have a chance to unseat them this November.

Ground Game Texas has launched ballot campaigns across Texas to register and mobilize voters behind progressive change. These initiatives will be extremely helpful in unseating Greg Abbott and electing Beto O’Rourke. Can you chip in $25 right now to help us Get Out The Vote in Texas ahead of November?

>> Help us unseat Greg Abbott <<

Friend, Texas voters are fed up with our failed, corrupt, incompetent leadership. They’re fed up with Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans protecting the NRA while keeping our communities unsafe. They’re fed up with them lining their pockets with oil money while our power grid remains broken. And they’re fed up with them playing politics with our health, our schools, and our democracy.

Across Texas, Ground Game Texas is working to register thousands of new voters and mobilize them behind progressive policies like marijuana decriminalization, climate action, increased wages, and more. These initiatives will help us get voters to the polls and unseat corrupt politicians like Greg Abbott. But we need your help.

Can you chip in $25 right now to help us unseat Greg Abbott, elect Beto O’Rourke, and deliver progressive change to Texas? We can flip this state with your help.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas